Thursday, November 1, 2007

Love vs Addiction

Love VS. Addiction

Baby, To me, you're like a growing Addiction that I can't deny

So..have you ever stopped to think whats the differance between loving someone and being addicted to someone?

some people say: i can't live without this love or addiction?some say: you run in my addiction?

if you were given the chance to be away from the one you love for a while without any would you feel?

What is Love anyway?Is it the need to be with someone all the time?

is it happiness you feel when you're with him/her?is it the feeling of being complete with a certain person?

How can we tell the differance between love and addiction? how do we know that what we feel is love not mereaddiction..habituation..infatuation..passion..or just strong physical attraction?I wonder how many relationships are based on what is believed to be love..