Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ibelieve i can fly

If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to itI believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
We've all been told or heard at some point in our lives that if you truly believe something - have faith that it will happen - it will happen.
Our thoughts are magical. Thoughts are powerful forces of energy. Thoughts create everything you want in life. Thoughts can even create the things you don't want. Thoughts can only come from your mind - and you are the only person in charge of your own mind. So you create the thoughts that create the circumstances of your life. Since your thoughts create your reality - you create your reality.
We get started on something new and we have this tremendous positive energy. Everything goes well in the beginning. Whether it's a new job, a new relationship, moving to a new area, a new project - anything. We start off with this tremendous zeal and passion. But after a while we grow tired. Our positive energy now turns negative and our thoughts begin to work against us. Before you know it - you start creating things you don't want.
Yes your thoughts that are created by your own mind create the things you don't want. In the end it is you and your negative, self- destructive thoughts that create the things you don't want in life - and you do this without even knowing it!
It all starts when you lose focus what you want and stop creating the goals you had set out to achieve. Instead of creating what you want you start saying things like: I hate my job,, I don't like it here anymore - and the pattern continues.
Now believing that You can do something puts you on the right track,positive thinking,making affirmations,daily thoughts, think of them as simple statements that you repeat to yourself to the point where they penetrate your subconscious mind. Your subconscoius then acts on the affirmations by creating situations, circumstances and events that mirror those affirmations or the statements you've been saying.
Your affirmations should focus on what you want - not what you don't want. In short - affirmations are thoughts that you repeat over and over again until they become beliefs to the point where the subconscious acts on them.
so If I beleive I can do something,no matter how fatfetched it was no matter how impossible the idea seemed to be ,I can do it.
I tried it,and it worked.
Now as for flying,at this stage I recommend Royal Jordanian Airlines. :D