Friday, January 12, 2007

Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde ,

this fascinating novel explores the curious turnings of human character through the strange case of Dr. Jekyll, a kindly scientist who by night takes on his stunted evil self, Mr. Hyde.

Anticipating modern psychology, Jekyll And Hyde is a brilliantly original study of man's dual nature .Stevenson's story of the kindly scientist who drinks a potion that transforms him into a stunted, evil version of himself is a story of horror, which preceded modern psychology.

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory states that an individual’s personality is divided into three different parts: the id, ego, and superego.

The id consists of unethical, irrational, driving instincts for sexual gratification, aggression, and general physical and sensual pleasure.

The superego represents the outer expectations forced on the personality by society and culture.The ego acts as the mediator between the impulses of the id and the superego. The ego allows the personality to cope with the inner and outer demands of its existence.

The balance of these three parts determines a person’s personalitySo this Novel suggests a co-existence in the human body and soul of goodness, morality, and idealism along with evil, depravity, and sadism.

Dr. Jekyll, manages to isolate and separate his evil side from the whole, creating in the process two very different people; Jekyll, who represents not pure good, but the whole of a person, and Hyde, who represents pure evil, and contains little, if any, of Jekyll in him. These two characters stand in stark contrast to one another

Stevenson was writing before the advent of psychology, and thus had no language with which to talk about repression, sublimation, or denial, terms, which come much more easily to the modern reader.

Yet a clear subtext in his work is the repression and denial of the existence of evil.

I Find Hyde's name appropriate, for he truly hides and is hidden by Jekyll*******

I've always been a big fan of this novel,but nowadays and after many encounters with persons of more hyde than jekyll in them,I find it more intriguing,and more convincing.

How much do we know about others or about ourselves in that matter?

Is there any person on earth who knows YOU inside out?who knows every tiny hidden anticipation,fantasy,desire,evil thought,inner incentive,or even frustrations?

I believe that every person you meet in life knows a little bit about you,if you put all what those people know together you might as well get the whole picture..or wont you;)

just a thought